recently..quite do wad also no energy...ytd went to watch the prestige but just b4 the show started..starting getting into those sian sian the end din reallie enjoy the show..tho i think the show is actuallie quite nice..hai~ i sit until my knees so xin ku..=( i think my joints are getting olderrrrrr...
but recently i have found my passion for maple again..started to play maple more..even on a new char..xbowman..=P so tempted to go and buy the limited edition maple card..31.50...hmmm...shld i get the chief bandit or mage? hehe...both looks very nice...prob can tell i am just crapping..cos i feel like blogging..yet i can't find a topic to talk aimlessss hoo( sry ee, i like to be a copycat!...hee)..basically this entry can be ignored -.-
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
(this post is actuallie copied from the other blog i share with my frenz cos i am lazy to type all over again..=P)
went drinking w colleagues on wed~~~
the whole idea was to get together for a farewell party for one of my colleague..i think we spent the whole night out, from 530 to 11+ and i reached home at 12+ ...>.<
anywayz... we went attica and then to gotham penthouse..i din reallie like the music there...but after 3 drinks..nothing reallie when i downed the first 2 so the time i reached my 5th..i alr half gone..giggling at stupid things..only my other colleague had as much as me..=P the two of us like mad women..haha..but it was a comical that i think of it..quite throw face.hahaha..but i think it's reallie fun to do this once in awhile..hee..
by my 4th drink i reallie quite dizzy le...but i think the drinks i had the alcohol content still ok leh..hehe..reallie doubting my "jiu liang" now..when i went toilet i can reallie feel the world spinning...after i went home..i had the feeling to puke..but din..and once in awhile i will giggle to myself on my bed...SO WEIRD...LOL...the next morning wake up..reallie wanna die..had a burning sensation in my stomach and feel like puking..>_< very horrible..that reallie made me think twice about drinking too much or too fast next time..
as for the ntu recruitment drive on thurs..sigh...=( no one interested in tax...NO ONE...these students reallie have a lot of misconceptions..they think only if they go audit then they can do CPA..which is not true! duno lehz..i think they dunno wad they are getting themselves into when they insist on going audit..=P but that's my personal opinion..maybe some ppl reallie enjoy their yanzhen's workaholic snr..?hehe oh's abt it..
went drinking w colleagues on wed~~~
the whole idea was to get together for a farewell party for one of my colleague..i think we spent the whole night out, from 530 to 11+ and i reached home at 12+ ...>.<
anywayz... we went attica and then to gotham penthouse..i din reallie like the music there...but after 3 drinks..nothing reallie when i downed the first 2 so the time i reached my 5th..i alr half gone..giggling at stupid things..only my other colleague had as much as me..=P the two of us like mad women..haha..but it was a comical that i think of it..quite throw face.hahaha..but i think it's reallie fun to do this once in awhile..hee..
by my 4th drink i reallie quite dizzy le...but i think the drinks i had the alcohol content still ok leh..hehe..reallie doubting my "jiu liang" now..when i went toilet i can reallie feel the world spinning...after i went home..i had the feeling to puke..but din..and once in awhile i will giggle to myself on my bed...SO WEIRD...LOL...the next morning wake up..reallie wanna die..had a burning sensation in my stomach and feel like puking..>_< very horrible..that reallie made me think twice about drinking too much or too fast next time..
as for the ntu recruitment drive on thurs..sigh...=( no one interested in tax...NO ONE...these students reallie have a lot of misconceptions..they think only if they go audit then they can do CPA..which is not true! duno lehz..i think they dunno wad they are getting themselves into when they insist on going audit..=P but that's my personal opinion..maybe some ppl reallie enjoy their yanzhen's workaholic snr..?hehe oh's abt it..
Saturday, October 14, 2006
The Departed.....(do not read if you dun like spoilers)
ARGH...wad a HORRIBLE..SUPER CANNOT MAKE IT MOVIE???? to think the newspapers was saying it's the best adapted movie ...?!like wad the fuck?!(pardon moi language...after watching the show i tend to wanna swear)
well..firstly, the starting is like so one scene jumps to the connection..-.- and i finally know why it's rated M18?? there's so many "fuck" here and "fuck" way to censor the word out..hahhaa..ok..i accept that that might reallie be the way of speaking..but it's reallie quite irritating when there's like 3 "fuck" in 1 short sentence..-.-
the scenes when leo dicap was's quite funny instead of feeling sad for him...perhaps it's cos i alr know he will no element of surprise? and no sympathy for him..i reallie lol when the guy shot the black guy..i mean like...wad's the point?!?!?! they die like so's more comical than anyting...hahhaa..worse is when matt damon kills that guy as well...o.O like..hello???? it's so cold wad my fren the hk version, towards the end, can see that andy lau wants to be a good guy..but in this version, matt damon din show any sign of remorse or wad...everything he did is for his own sake...kinda selfish blah blah..disgusted...and i feel the focus is more on matt damon...somehow i feel...leo dicap's char..didn't shine in this movie...=/
there was the scene at leo's funeral..they were firing and there's this guy behind matt damon that got shocked by it..and he still secretly smiled to himself..hhaahaha..that's the ultimate laughing point! after tat...mark wahlberg..haha..went to kill matt damon..matt damon was like, "ok" like it's ok to kill me..and mark wahlberg reallie shot him..BUT that scene is like super funny! the last part still got a rat on the window there..OMG..I think ee and i laugh the loudest in the cinema ba! SO COMICAL LAH...but it totallie dun have the feel of the hk version...the hk version one is better lah..perhaps one reason is cos i watched it i alr know how the story will go..but reallie..if u din watch the hk version..u wun get wad's happening..and besides that.. think the sound effect team sux to the core la..the music, sometimes SUPER loud..then suddenly goes quiet or softens for the char to talk..but it's just so OFF..and choice of music sux too...gets kinda irritating most of the time! zzz ..horrible show!! i wanna watch THE PRESTIGE..even if the story sux, i still can feast my eyes with christian bale and hugh jackman~~!
ARGH...wad a HORRIBLE..SUPER CANNOT MAKE IT MOVIE???? to think the newspapers was saying it's the best adapted movie ...?!like wad the fuck?!(pardon moi language...after watching the show i tend to wanna swear)
well..firstly, the starting is like so one scene jumps to the connection..-.- and i finally know why it's rated M18?? there's so many "fuck" here and "fuck" way to censor the word out..hahhaa..ok..i accept that that might reallie be the way of speaking..but it's reallie quite irritating when there's like 3 "fuck" in 1 short sentence..-.-
the scenes when leo dicap was's quite funny instead of feeling sad for him...perhaps it's cos i alr know he will no element of surprise? and no sympathy for him..i reallie lol when the guy shot the black guy..i mean like...wad's the point?!?!?! they die like so's more comical than anyting...hahhaa..worse is when matt damon kills that guy as well...o.O like..hello???? it's so cold wad my fren the hk version, towards the end, can see that andy lau wants to be a good guy..but in this version, matt damon din show any sign of remorse or wad...everything he did is for his own sake...kinda selfish blah blah..disgusted...and i feel the focus is more on matt damon...somehow i feel...leo dicap's char..didn't shine in this movie...=/
there was the scene at leo's funeral..they were firing and there's this guy behind matt damon that got shocked by it..and he still secretly smiled to himself..hhaahaha..that's the ultimate laughing point! after tat...mark wahlberg..haha..went to kill matt damon..matt damon was like, "ok" like it's ok to kill me..and mark wahlberg reallie shot him..BUT that scene is like super funny! the last part still got a rat on the window there..OMG..I think ee and i laugh the loudest in the cinema ba! SO COMICAL LAH...but it totallie dun have the feel of the hk version...the hk version one is better lah..perhaps one reason is cos i watched it i alr know how the story will go..but reallie..if u din watch the hk version..u wun get wad's happening..and besides that.. think the sound effect team sux to the core la..the music, sometimes SUPER loud..then suddenly goes quiet or softens for the char to talk..but it's just so OFF..and choice of music sux too...gets kinda irritating most of the time! zzz ..horrible show!! i wanna watch THE PRESTIGE..even if the story sux, i still can feast my eyes with christian bale and hugh jackman~~!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
recently..keep meeting up with baoyu they all..especially ee ling, yz, baoyu cos the 4 of us live very near one another..hehe...always have mahjong sessions and always play this game called's like last time even tho we live so near we also dun meet up much..but after all of us started work, i think we reallie can appreciate how xin fu it is to meet up with we just keep meeting and meeting...reallie become a weekly affair liao..haha...
dunno is it becos of them...i keep having the crave to sing!i wanna go ktv so badly~! i also wanna just hang out at someone's house and play game, talk looking forward to x'mas celebration/present exchange/count down..hee but it's like 2 more months?!? lol..we plan so far ahead yr going to phantom of the opera! ok...actuallie recently very unhappie at work..cos of the ppl there..but i am so lazy to write abt it..cos thinking of it makes me so sianz..:( boo hoo...working sux (saying this for the Nth time...)
dunno is it becos of them...i keep having the crave to sing!i wanna go ktv so badly~! i also wanna just hang out at someone's house and play game, talk looking forward to x'mas celebration/present exchange/count down..hee but it's like 2 more months?!? lol..we plan so far ahead yr going to phantom of the opera! ok...actuallie recently very unhappie at work..cos of the ppl there..but i am so lazy to write abt it..cos thinking of it makes me so sianz..:( boo hoo...working sux (saying this for the Nth time...)
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
since i have time...i shall upload some photossss
hehe..can tell that i am very long nv stay home all day happie to have some time to myself...anywayz just some pics from JY's farewell "party"...

We are a great combi for Kranium~ hahaa

@ marina steamboat...posing...notice a certain person showing off her back? hahaa

More pics @ marina... niang...-.-

the photographer is she can't have ice cream...awwwww..

a rare combi of faces..=P

I was supposed to share the red wine with Ee and JY but in the end..i still stuck to good o' beer~

Cheers!! =) Shiyuan's beer looks like ribena!

We are a great combi for Kranium~ hahaa

@ marina steamboat...posing...notice a certain person showing off her back? hahaa

More pics @ marina... niang...-.-

the photographer is she can't have ice cream...awwwww..

a rare combi of faces..=P

I was supposed to share the red wine with Ee and JY but in the end..i still stuck to good o' beer~

Cheers!! =) Shiyuan's beer looks like ribena!
Ulcer + headache attack!
since monday i have been having headache ..dunno is it a psychological thing cos i have this super pain ulcer near my wisdom tooth..SUPER pain lo! pain that it affects my brain..*talking rubbish* but reallie...very miserable at work...i can't even eat or talk properly...suffering in silence...hai~
actuallie ytd i was kinda upset..felt so outcasted @'s like we had this "connect session" for the whole after that we went to for receiption..then i dunno lehz..dunno it's unintentionally or colleagues will stick at first i was walking with one of them..and she spotted the rest at the back, she din even tell me then she just went over to join them..and left me alone so off i also walked over lah..but the feeling is like..they dun reallie care whether i got join them i am not part of the grp ( but technically we are always together in that grp la)..hai~ very sad..then nvm..i went to look for some of the A2s i will be sitting with during DnD..but they also like talk among themselves..depressing..this is wad will happen at the DnD? i have to entertain myself throughout that night? T_T such a depressing tot..hai~after that..i went back to join my fellow A1s..then realise they are talking abt the dance pract they will be going later in the day ..then they started talking about the dance instructors etc...i was totallie blur..and sometimes when they leave and rejoin the grp, they will form a circle and i will be out of so mean lo...>_< maybe i reallie dun have enough's like whether i am there anot, they can't even feel it...feel so i went home with a horrible mood...wallowing in self pity..hai~
then this morning..i decided to pon work for the first time...partly cos the ulcer is reallie excruciatingly pain and secondly i dun reallie feel like seeing my colleagues...especially one of them...i somehow feel that she dun like me lo..if given a choice, maybe she rather go lunch alone than eat alone with me that kinda thing..i rem that time after gym, she told me she was going somewhere else..but who knows..while walking to the platform at dhoby ghaut, i saw her in front on the travelator..she lied so she dun have to go home with me~ such a bitch~ it pisses me off just thinking about it..
somehow i always feel that i dun leave an impact in ppl's lives, with or without me will not make much of a diff to ppl..maybe i just have this face that can be easily forgotten..i dunno..or just no strong personality i guess...=\ sadz~
actuallie ytd i was kinda upset..felt so outcasted @'s like we had this "connect session" for the whole after that we went to for receiption..then i dunno lehz..dunno it's unintentionally or colleagues will stick at first i was walking with one of them..and she spotted the rest at the back, she din even tell me then she just went over to join them..and left me alone so off i also walked over lah..but the feeling is like..they dun reallie care whether i got join them i am not part of the grp ( but technically we are always together in that grp la)..hai~ very sad..then nvm..i went to look for some of the A2s i will be sitting with during DnD..but they also like talk among themselves..depressing..this is wad will happen at the DnD? i have to entertain myself throughout that night? T_T such a depressing tot..hai~after that..i went back to join my fellow A1s..then realise they are talking abt the dance pract they will be going later in the day ..then they started talking about the dance instructors etc...i was totallie blur..and sometimes when they leave and rejoin the grp, they will form a circle and i will be out of so mean lo...>_< maybe i reallie dun have enough's like whether i am there anot, they can't even feel it...feel so i went home with a horrible mood...wallowing in self pity..hai~
then this morning..i decided to pon work for the first time...partly cos the ulcer is reallie excruciatingly pain and secondly i dun reallie feel like seeing my colleagues...especially one of them...i somehow feel that she dun like me lo..if given a choice, maybe she rather go lunch alone than eat alone with me that kinda thing..i rem that time after gym, she told me she was going somewhere else..but who knows..while walking to the platform at dhoby ghaut, i saw her in front on the travelator..she lied so she dun have to go home with me~ such a bitch~ it pisses me off just thinking about it..
somehow i always feel that i dun leave an impact in ppl's lives, with or without me will not make much of a diff to ppl..maybe i just have this face that can be easily forgotten..i dunno..or just no strong personality i guess...=\ sadz~
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