Saturday, October 28, 2006

recently..quite do wad also no energy...ytd went to watch the prestige but just b4 the show started..starting getting into those sian sian the end din reallie enjoy the show..tho i think the show is actuallie quite nice..hai~ i sit until my knees so xin ku..=( i think my joints are getting olderrrrrr...
but recently i have found my passion for maple again..started to play maple more..even on a new char..xbowman..=P so tempted to go and buy the limited edition maple card..31.50...hmmm...shld i get the chief bandit or mage? hehe...both looks very nice...prob can tell i am just crapping..cos i feel like blogging..yet i can't find a topic to talk aimlessss hoo( sry ee, i like to be a copycat!...hee)..basically this entry can be ignored -.-

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