Wednesday, October 04, 2006

since i have time...i shall upload some photossss

hehe..can tell that i am very long nv stay home all day happie to have some time to myself...anywayz just some pics from JY's farewell "party"...
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We are a great combi for Kranium~ hahaa

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@ marina steamboat...posing...notice a certain person showing off her back? hahaa

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More pics @ marina...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting niang...-.-

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the photographer is she can't have ice cream...awwwww..

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a rare combi of faces..=P

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I was supposed to share the red wine with Ee and JY but in the end..i still stuck to good o' beer~

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Cheers!! =) Shiyuan's beer looks like ribena!

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