Saturday, April 28, 2007

hmm...recenlty one of my PRIMARY sch mate, sms me and asked if i had joined the Pri 6 class yahoo grp...

i was like wah?? i din know there is one and wah! primary sch one leh 0.o so surprised...

after that he added me on msn..and we started chatting..then i realised something...they have been going out for gatherings for the past few years since the last gathering i went to ( i think is right after jc?) so anywayz...i was a bit sad that i wasn't informed abt all these...then he told me there will be a gathering coming up soon and asked if i wanna go ...seriously? i dun wan to go...everyone has changed so much...i go there..i dunno who to hang out with anymore..but he seems very enthu abt it so i was like.." sure if i can find time off work" <<-- lame excuse..

after tt i joined the yahoo grp...gosh..i wish i nv did..i wish i wasn't informed of all these..i wish he nv managed to find me...i feel like i have missed out so much from the i have been living in a deserted island and suddenly rescued back to civilisation...but i have gotten so used to being on that island..i can't fit i was reading their past msgs..i feel so sad till i almost cried out...i feel so out of touch with their world but all along they have been keeping in contact when i tot EVERYONE was like me..all have lost contact?! argh...

i dunno how to express wad i reallie feel..but i am kinda pissed too that they actuallie FORGOT to add me in the yahoo grp till now? i mean that's like...3-4 years?! wtf -.- angry sia...seriously i dun feel like going to the gathering but does that mean i am gonna let myself lost contact w them all over again? i dunno....i reallie dun...somehow i wanna keep in contact..but yet feel like strangers with them..=( help! i dunno wad to do...

i left a msg in the yahoo hmm...3 ppl kind -.- and i even have one classmate who kept my letter from 1997! wahhhh 10 years sia...dam cool~ brings back fond memories...=) but it ends there...i dun reallie wanna go see these ppl..i can alr IMAGINE the awkwardness of not meeting for so long...cos they still kept in contact so they prob wun feel the weirdness..but i can! ewwwwwwww...ok...i think i am not going!

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