Tuesday, May 01, 2007

why are some guys so jian and lame?
i am starting to think that maybe we are seeing more and more gers that are "heartless" or behave like players to protect themselves from being hurt from such jerks......
gers shld reallie learn to protect themselves...when a guy changes heart(literally translation from chi) ...he can be totally freaking JIAN! when u see situations when the guy is a freaking jerk, u can't help but wanna scold that ass and beat the shit out of him...i dun understand how the mind of a guy work? no love = no friendship?? hmmmmmm...even if there's no frenship, u dun have to hurt others -.- total disregard for others' feelings just to get wad u want? equals a despicable piece of shit!

(dun worry..nothing happened to me :P just some tots on recent events)

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