Wednesday, May 09, 2007

20 years old age
10 years old mentality
30 years old body

i dunno how long before i will start to age...but my mentality is still so freaking dependent on my parents...i dun feel like a grown up at all...23 years old...sounds so old...but i am still behaving like a 10 years old...everything waiting for my parents to solve for's time i be responsible for myself.

Looking at the VTs in my office made me realise just how OLD i am...being young is reallie so different..the vibrance...the energy...i reallie have no energy at all to do the things they do..and the things they say? i can nv bring myself to say's beyond me...that came the point when i can't deny i am old anymore...look ard many successful ppl are younger than us...i feel like i am wasting my life away..waiting for the end to life will fade away quietly, peacefully as though i nv exist..sudden disgust with the way i am spending my youth away...i can nv be young again..but am i doing something hong hong lie lie so that i can recall back when i am older and smile at those memories?

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