Sunday, May 06, 2007

once again..i am in the office on a's a sunday...i ask i just plain inefficient? or do i reallie have a lot to do? hmmm...everyday i grumble grumble abt the load of work..but seriously...if i din spend time chatting on msn, chatting on sametime, surfing net..would i have finished them on time? =( i dunno...i dunno how to cope w my programs..P&G alone can kill..let alone seagate?? argh...i cannot stand seagate...i rather do other programs than's so confusing and irritating..boooo..why oh why did they take away my other programs but left me stuck w seagate?? i am getting a little worried...are they taking away some of my program cos they think i am incapable? no doubt, it's a relief when they lighten my portfolio..but still...i dunno wad they were thinking when they did that..i can onli hope it's cos my snr mgr wants to lighten my burden..and not scare me off when i am still an A1...keke...
peak period so far has been...well..manageable...thanks largely to my colleague who sits beside me..every little qn i go bug her..^^;; i haven stayed till the lengendary 12 midnight...cos the ppl in my team seldom...usuallie only till 10++ so i am kinda lucky in a sense to be in this team...hopefully nothing much will chg when i become an allocation holder...=) wish me luck in july~

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