Tuesday, May 01, 2007

i am kinda regretting telling the world i signed up for the slimming thing..now ppl expects results..if there's none, wad will they think? snigger behind my back and say waste so much money and no results..? if anyone says that in front of me...i swear i will reallie slap that person..
some ppl ard me reallie dunno how to cha2 yen2 guan1 se4...ppl's face alr so black still continue joking or harping on the same thing...-.- *shake head* sometimes..i reallie cannot stand such ppl...they think it's funni then wad abt the person who is the one being teased??? very senseless.
bottomline is...i kinda reallie wished no one knew abt it...maybe except ade who can understand wad i feel =P but then again, she also scold me stupid ger T_T no one understandsssssssss...hai~..hope all goes well...i reallie wanna wear my sleeveless tops and walk ard with my head held high!

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