Saturday, May 27, 2006


heehee..back from hk alr..wanted to blog ytd..but reallie too lazy and was busy exploring ludibrium in maple...hehe..anywayz..this will be a super long post on my days in hk~~~

1st day: Reached HK at ard 12noon, weather:cloudy, mood: excited
First stop at the airport --- TOILET..had a huge stomach ache..sobz sobz..i "jumped" queue and asked the woman in front if i could go
anywayz by the time we settled everything, it was alr we went ard to look for lunch...i think we were all kinda blur as to where to go? so we just sorta look as we walked..finally decided to go eat yuntun mian..hmm..the noodles wasn't very nice..but the yuntun and soup was not bad..the yuntun was filled with prawns..not like in singapore which got more meat than prawns..after tat..we decided to go back to our hotel cos when we reached there were still 2 rooms not ready..anywayz finally we settled our luggages and stuffs and set off for their ladies market..wah seh...i walked till my legs wanna break..the tour agency person told us it's near by..nearby my foot ah..-.- very far lehz..anywayz we finally reached that place...and we shopped for awhile..i got myself a cap~ (pink one somemore..wahhaha~!)..the 3 of them went to get an identical belt each..they always lidat one to leave me aside then 3 of them go shop together..grrr..but nvm..i got my cap..anywayz we shopped for a while more..then it started to drizzle..after a while..we had to go meet lynette and her bf (Bernard) we went to take their MTR..their mtr quite convenient lah..just have to press wadever station u wanna go and they will calculate the cost for first time we took the mtr..quite like sg's mrt..just that their map will show which stop u are at and which side to alight from..haha..
we went to eat at some restaurant and got this big wintermelon soup..ahha...the food quite ok..but a bit salty..anywayz, here's the photo of all 8 of us =)

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[top: lynette, bernard, yinxiu, john; bottom: baoyu, wynne, yanzhen, me]

after that we went to lan kwai fong..we took the tram there..quite cool ah..and it's the cheapest form of transport in hk..only 2 dollars hk..meaning only 40 cents sing..hehe..anywayz we reached there and just see see look look along the street lah..nv go into any of the pubs..

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then we went to eat ice cream..bernard wanted to let us try the hot chocolate(i think so lah) but it was sold had to settle for normal ice cream..haha..but not bad lah..that man gave lynette an extra scoop cos that was the last scoop for that ice cream..haha..

without realizing, it's alr 11 plus i we head back to our hotel liao..quite tired that day..must be all the walking..haha.. hotel room damn cold can?! like antartica lidat..shesh..baoyu worse than me..she had TWO blankets, and she still stuffed her legs into of the pillow case..and had her jacket poor lehz..slept like a curled up ball all night..dun even dare to move my legs..cos too cold..the bed so big, i only took up like one inch of it -.- haha..then we realised the next day that we had the air con at the highest fan speed =.= 1 was highest and we tot it was the lowest..dummy us~ -.-

Day 2: Woke at 645am, weather: cloudy/rainy, mood:sleepy~ :P
Met our half day tour guide..her name is Joey..but she so dun look like a ger can..haha..but she is very nice and very funny lah..tho she smokes A LOT..reallie a lot..almost everytime we alight, she will be smoking de..
well..first stop, we went to the exhibition and convention center(i think tt's the name) and was just in time to see their flag rising ceremony..haha..then went to have dim sum breakfast! YUMMY!! i loveeee the century egg porridge! DAMN NICE~!

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after breakfast, we set off to some mountain(i can't rem the name liao), from there look down..reallie very beautiful lo..and the rich ppl all live somewhere there cool~ then went to some temple w a large guan yin statue..and crossed a bridge that supposedly increases ur life by hmm..3 days?! hehe..i walked 6 days more for
we also went for this boat ride..which lasts for 25 mins..and we ate this roast duck "noodle"'s not noodles..more like gui tiao..but very nice..

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[me and yx on the boat ride :P]

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[the roast duck 粉..ichiban~!]

then after that went to some jewellery shop, sells a pendant that is in a shape of a 风车.. it was very well designed..the thing will move when the person wearing it moves..but VERY EX can..costs abt a few hundred SING dollars..*faints* in the end, they all bought the crystal apple..only wynne and i din buy..haha..after lunch we went to some medicine shop and the last stop was OCEAN PARK!!!

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[Yanzhen, Baoyu and me with a super extra man -.-]

wah..the place..very crowded..with..PRC..i almost wanted to cry >_< they all reallie just push and push de..sadz
anywayz, we quickly went to the first ride..which is..mine train..*scared* ppl who know me well shld know that i am very timid one..and super scared of such rides..but i dunno why i just went ahead and took the wadya u's not as bad as i tot..just scream out loud and u will reallie enjoy it..haha..after that we went to the next ride nearby..which is viking...mummy..i reallie very scared can..and the viking wasn't even those big big kind..and i alr sat at the most middle portion liao..*shivers* next ride was the roller coaster..looks very scary..i almost chickened out( i tried a lot of times..john and yx kept persuading me to try so in the end i did)..actuallie..this turned out to be the least scary and most enjoyable one..haha..cos there's not steep steep slope..just 360 degree turn which u can't reallie feel
cos i SERIOUSLY dun dare to sit the free fall we head on to other stuffs..and i wanted to see the shark aquarium so we went and after that we went to see the reef lotsa fascinating fishes lo~ got one called unicorn tang..looks so weird..and one garden eel~ lol dam cute de..
cos we spent too much time there, we were kinda late for the dolphin show..and by the time we reached there, it's full and we had to stand at the top to see..wah seh..dam crowded..and those PRC...zzz they just pushed their way to get in front when we were alr standing there watching..they behave as though we no need to watch only they can watch lidat..shesh...-.- no offence lah..i know they are used to it when they are in their own country..but then..reallie..very barbaric lehz..>_< sian 1/ the end, i only caught a glimpse of the 2 dolphins and 2 seals..saddened..worse was we got separated from yx and also cannot reach them cos no reception..then the 4 of us made our way back to the entrance first..all the time..being pushed by ppl..*pissed* and the way back SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO far..walk till my legs reallie wanna BREAK le..finally reached back to the hotel..almost wanted to just stay there and dun go out le..but we meeting lyn and bernard so had to go out..went to eat dinner at some shop selling taiwan food..weird hor..go hk eat taiwan cai? hehe..anywayz, yz din feel well..think is her gastric or sth..she almost puked..*scary*~ then we went to shop at the ladies market..they all managed to buy sth 2 belts, one at 4 bucks the other at 2 bucks sing..and i bought a snoopy pjs with yx..haha..i like the pjs~!

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finally..everyone was tired and we took a cab back..much cheaper this the time we settled down..almost 2am i think..*faints* we decided to off the air con cos reallie very cold..but then ah..after awhile..i feel hot le..but i see baoyu still wrapped in her nvm ba..haha..

Day 3: DISNEYLAND day woke at 7 plus, weather: fine/cloudy later, mood:happie and excited

went for breakfast at the 茶餐厅opp our hotel..had their set breakfast, got macaroni w ham, double egg and toast and coffee..
hmm..honestly, the macaroni tastes like macaroni in SALT water..and i din like the coffee, too much evaporated milk in it..>_<
reached disneyland at abt 9 plus..and we started exploring the place liaoz...first thing we saw after going in is mickey and minnie..then got tigger and goofy and pluto~! cool..if u wanna take photo w them u must queue up the end, the photo we took w mickey n minnie..cannot see my face..but no harm done..i still like that photo a lot..then we took the train to go to fantasy land..hehe..went to take the carousel..and went for the winnie the pooh ride..hehe..

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[baoyu, wynne, yx, me, yanzhen at the carousel]

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[me and yx at the winnie the pooh entrance]

we had this voucher that allows us to get a free photo either from this pooh ride or the space mountain ride but the first time we ride the pooh thing, we din know where the camera was, by the time we knew, it took the photo one was looking at the we decided to go for another time..this time being fully prepared..hehe..the photo very nice also~then we shopped at the sourvenir shop..omg the things all so cute de!! me and yx went to put on the minnie mouse hair band to take funnie..

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[me and yx with minnie mouse hair band..cute ba?! :P]

after that we saw snow white and took photo w her..she reallie looks like the one in the cartoon can..and she walks so gracefully de...keke..then we went to take the space mountain ride..the whole ride was in darkness..quite scary at first cos i tot will have some sudden drop or sth..haha..but no lah..just pure speed and turnings..enjoyed it..but got this photo..we all look so funny in it..only yx and john looks normal..hehe

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[pic taken from the screen..hohoho]

later on we went to this buzz lightyear astro to shoot the aliens one..quite fun~ if i had time, i would have gone for it again..anywayz..after that we went to the 3d orchestra thingy..when the screen got splash water, reallie got water splash on us o.o funnie..nice..then we set off to the tarzan area and it started to POUR..sadz..whole jeans soaked..
later on went to shop AGAIN at the and yx bought a lot of cookies lo..cos the packaging was just soooooo tempting..i am a sucker for packagings..hehe..i spent like 40 bucks there..finally we decided to leave disneyland after taking photo w tigger..(after that yx then told me she and john wanted to stay and watch the fireworks one..ACTUALLIE..ME TOO! sobz..but i know the others dun wanna stay so long in disney...soooooo...)

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[the 4 of us with tigger..he din know yx was gonna take he alr ended his pose..then yx shouted "1,2,3" then tigger was cute~!]

so we went to take the mtr..wah the mtr damn cool can?! the windows, handle all in the shape of mickey mouse's head..and inside got figurines of the different disney char..SUPER COOL~ hehe..
anywayz we were all very tired from all the walking so we headed to tsim sha tsui to eat tang dynasty..the famous 豆腐花..not bad lah..but very big leh..for 3-5 ppl..we 4 share also cannot finish..>_< then we went to grandville road to look ard..din shop much lo..cos all tired..yx looks tired too and john seems managed to buy a 3/4 which i like a sg, wanna find a 3/4 that LOOKS like a 3/4 on me is so hard lo..haha..anywayz..we all reallie very we went back and the time we packed almost 2..went over to ga jiao yz and wynne for awhile..2 plus liao..*doze off*

Day 4: last day in hk woke at 830 lidat, weather:sunny!*angry* mood:happie~
woken up by yx's sms..haha..while getting ready, she msg again and say buy back mac breakfast..weehee~! no need to go we waited in our room..yz and wynne came over to ga jiao us this time..wah yz dam hyper..sth! we took a lot of funnie photos in the room..damn corny..keke..we decided to go mongkok to walk walk..went to the place lyn was 1130 when we reached and only a few stores were open..but anywayz shortly after..more shops open liao and we shop very long on that ONE lvl..poor john..he must be SO bored..>_< i feel so bad..haha.but no choice..when he goes shopping w FIVE gers..that's the results..hee..bought a few tops there..and some accessories..i am more happie w the accessories i bought..some of the tops..i just buy cos i got nothing else to spend the money the time we fin shopping there..alr 3..went for lunch at some noodle eatery..then went to eat 许留山..YUMMY..i think the one me and baoyu shared very glutinous balls in 2 juices, we had watermelon and rock melon juice..then got fresh fruits..very nice!! hehe..then we went to buy the 臭豆腐...but smell de lehz..after that then the person say actuallie must put the sauce then will bring the smell wad we had was just hard as rock dou we din finish it..w/o knowing..we are on our way to the air port liao..sooooooo fast..4 days passed..

my tots on this trip ah..i am reallie glad yx and john came along lo..firstly for john's navigating depend on the 4 of us..think we will be lost forever..and lucky got yx to pei me sometimes..the 3 of them..always like to do things w/o me de..i also dunno why ..-.- somehow they always go and shop together..and i will be shopping/ looking at another side or sth..maybe we have diff taste?! i dunno..overall..i enjoyed the trip..tho on the plane back..i felt once again neglected by the 3 of them..(saddened) but nvm lah..i will learn to get used to it -.-

next post will have more photos~ (we reallie took A LOT of photos...hehe)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

the much anticipated (?!) trip is here~

okie dokes..tml going hk liaoz..heehee..actuallie quite excited lah..cos i always like the feeling of going airport..haha..dunno why..just love our airport a lot~~ hahha...actuallie also quite looking forward to the shopping lah..but ah..somehow feel that wad some of my frenz like and wad i like got a bit different..hard to shop together sometimes..haha..oh well..the part i drat is the travelling and potential pick pockets..>_< have to be on the alert, always! very sianz..somemore we all youngsters very easy get scammed..hai~ pray that this will be an enjoyable trip~!! *and hopefully i brought enough money* :) 4 days in hk~ here i come~!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

AHHH...another weirdo~!!!

shesh! why are there so many weirdos these days..>.<
today after pilates, went to bus stop to wait for bus, yx was with me..anywayz as we were talking halfway, i realised this guy was going around asking for money..his "story" was that he lost his wallet just now and his cousin called him to tell him his auntie is in he needs 15 bucks to get to the hospital by taxi..ok this man, he is quite fat, wears specs and can't reallie tell his age..maybe in his late twenties? anyway he was carrying this bag of God knows wad..and he was begging this couple..but mainly at the guy lah..well..the guy totallie ignored him..then he just begged and begged..after that he even went to the extent of kneeling down...(mind u..his ass was showing cos the jeans too loose?too low? wadever..)it was a sad sight to behold..he even said things like giving the guy his hp no..tml he will return etc..or that guy give him his hp so he can call my opinion, it's bullshit..anywayz he continue begging and the guy continued to ignore him..after like i dunno 10 mins? another guy walked past and sat down at the next this beggar said something abt talking to a mute and turned to "attack" the new guy..but this guy so lucky..his bus came almost immediately after that person started he went back to the first guy..-.-" continues being i guess he finally decided to change target to poor yinxiu and I ...(T_T) he said a few times excuse me..but the 2 of us just ignored him..(where is my bus...?? >_<) anywayz..he started his story etc..all this time we just ignored him like he doesn't exist..after talking awhile..he kneeled down again...blah blah..kneeled down that point of time all i can think of is "i am wearing a skirt"..>_< yaya..sounds very mean to ignore him and all..but put urself in our many ppl will actually entertain him? after trying to beg for like 10-15 mins lidat, he started scolding us..say we dun have "tong qing xin" etc..grr..(where is my bus still...??!?!i wanna complain to SBS..86 is so freaking SLOW) think he finally gave up after another 5 mins or so and say "dun lend dun lend la" in hokkien..poooof...think he spotted another ger walking to the he went over..wala~he managed to get some money from that first she said 2 bucks..then he was like..2 bucks cannot la..cannot reach the hospital in about 5? wah lao! 5 dollars can reach changi from yck?! poof~ afer he got his money he was like "hai shi ni hao, bu xiang na liang ge(meaning yx and i -.-|||)" then he came over and scolded us somemore?! something abt crossing the road be careful or get hit by a car blah blah? i din reallie catch it cos my bus is FINALLY HERE..mind u..i hope he din spit onto my hair..and his breath is full of beer convincing can he get?!? he walked away liao then he came back and said sth abt "xiao xin you bao ying" ? sth lidat de lah..wad the hell lehz..if i give money to such a loser who doesn't have anything wrong with him except mabe his brain, i will be punished sia..perhaps some ppl may think that it's better to trust than be skeptical..but..i dun like to be treated as a sucker..i cannot imagine giving money to this guy for him to benefit HIMSELF..over my dead body~ more thing..why he only scold the two of us and not the first guy he asked?? think we GIRLS easy to BULLY????wad the fuck leh..maybe shld have called the police..if he REALLIE is going to see his auntie, ask the police give him a ride there lo~ a lot of cops overseas do that..
besides, if it's reallie that urgent, can't he call his cuz to wait for him at the entrance of the hospital and help him pay for the taxi fare? or if it's reallie that urgent, he should be begging with the taxi driver on his way there and not loitering ard at a busstop..or as a matter of fact, if he reallie needs help from ppl..go ask at the mrt station which is directly opposite..there got so much more ppl? he's so full of shit~ shesh..perhaps i am over berating him or that i am cold hearted..but i just dun believe him at all..he seems so unconvincing and totally unstable..ahhhhhhhhh...why do i keep meeting weirdos these days!!!!???

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

less than 2 months to go..'s official..i received the letter from pwc finally..starting work on 3rd july..SIAN 1/2!! seems so early~ but then again..i have NOTHING to do at home..reallie NOTHING LO..maybe it's good to start early and get some income..but the sheer tot of not having anymore LONG holidays just sux!hai~
anywayz, these few days reallie ROTTING..literally~ any longer and i might actually see maggots on me -.- it's like i totally can't bring myself to get excited over anything at dead >.< today went compass point w by and yz..wah..the 3 of us just sit in ya kun and ROT..stare into blank space..have i reached a point whereby i can't even find the energy to start a conversation? i feel so sian..sian till i have no interest in anything at tho anything that happens ard me is none of my biz..haiyo~ reallie no energy for anything leh...wad to do??????? has the slacker life reduced me to nothing but a slug..getting by each day in such monotonous style? *cries* by and yz were talking abt jobs today and they say i shld look for other jobs other than of them was like "you dun intend to do tax for the rest of ur life do u?" well of cos i dun..but at this point of time, i totallie have no idea wad i wanna do..nothing reallie interests me (as i have emphasized time and time again up there)..actually i reallie think that a lot of ppl also haven found wad they reallie want yet..just working for the sake of getting an be honest, i wouldn't mind setting up a shop or sth..but then leh?and need to have lobangs for things to sell ba..*frowns* life's tough..but ytd my fren just sorta told me off for not realising how lucky i am..honestly..sometimes, i rather not live if living is so meaningless..ok..maybe this sentence sounds a bit heavy..but that's how i feel..gosh..i feel so lost..for the nth time in my life...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

KTV 必点歌 (at the moment at least)

weeeee..went ktv recently..realised that my frenz like to sing the same few songs..actuallie i also lah..but maybe got a bit bored of din reallie enjoyed it plus the room was just a list of songs that i love to sing at the moment:


but somehow i not very gien to sing ktv now..maybe the last one just totally spoilt my mood for it..hai~ maybe i am more suited to sing at home?? hahaha
anywayz seems like got a lot of things to do b4 hk trip..tml still going for injection and i can't find a suitable bag to bring there..>_< bleah..go back to maple liao..

can't think of a title for this i had supper with some frenz..hmm..sth that bugged me was they asked me if i am attached yet..or do i have anyone in mind? honestly speaking..i dun..i dunno..somehow i am reallie not in the mood to share my life with another person..maybe i am just not ready..and i think i am so not suitable to be in a relationship..firstly, i love myself more than i love anything put so much feelings into a relationship is just plain hard for me..cos i am scared to get hurt..i am very protective over myself..i'd rather be the one who does the hurting than get hurt..that is why my past 2 relationships nv end up well..cos i din devote much time into them.. doubt there are times when i feel like having someone by my side, someone whom i can always turn to if i am in trouble or tt love?or just dependency? a need for just a "someone" to be there when u need him? sometimes i reallie think that some ppl are together with another person cos they feel lonely..not becos of love..of cos there must be a certain liking involved..but i feel that the largest deciding factor is that they dun wan to be alone true can the love be when two ppl are being introduced to each thr frenz with the intention to hook them up?hmm..i dunno..reallie very skeptical abt it..the true love i believe in is u will meet that person without other ppl's interference, when u are meant to meet him, u will on ur own..perhaps this thinking is very naive..but that is wad i least at this moment..which is why when my frenz offered to introduce me to some guys..i feel very's as tho i have reached a point whereby i can't find my true love on my own anymore and has to resort to matchmaking? gosh..i am only 22? but then again..22 is kinda old alr..haha..contradicting huh..i am also not very sure how i feel abt this whole relationship thingy..cos i am kinda used to having no one by my side..AND i am confortable with dunno..maybe i reallie shld be getting a bit worried..but some of my frenz haven even had a r/ship am i just being gan cheong or ?
i dun believe in everlasting love..and i reallie dun think i can maintain a r/ship from this age all the way till i am old..true..there must be love for a couple to get married but i believe love does fade..and i certainly dun believe in fairytales where the couple lived happily ever after..i think that marriage are sustained largely by's whether the two ppl have enough responsibility to continue with the family..
In this world where there are so much temptations..i reallie dun believe that love can last..unless u live like a fool or u reallie meet a super nice guy..both are hard to accomplish..

Met a weirdo on my way home >.<

On friday i met this weird person on my way home..i noticed him at the lrt platform..and when we got on the lrt, he sat beside me and he was holding on to one of his shoes? anywayz he put it on liao then he turned and asked me abt the station which happens to be the next one and is the one i am getting off..>.< anywayz i told him it's the next he stood up to go to the door first..when he saw me walking there too he looked and looked and looked at me..3 times? like wad's so weird?i also need to get down wad..anywayz..we got off, on the way down the stairs, he continued to turn back and look at me~ *creepy*
then he went to take the lift down while i chose to take the stairs..cos i tot stairs will take a longer time so he can't folo me or wad..who knows i reached downstairs faster..-.- anywayz i just continued on my way home lah..and i heard this loud and quickening footsteps..wah..quite scary sia..and he walked/ half jogged next to me!! OMG..i nearly freaked out..i just pretend i was looking for sth in my bag so i walked slower..and he continued to walk slightly in front of me..and continued to turn back once in awhile to look at me..grrr..that reallie freaked me at the red light i decided to call my dad to come down and wait for me at the lift..>_< but then..after we crossed the road and reached my block..he went another way..i dunno whether this whole thing was me being paranoid or becos my void deck happened to have some ppl at that time..anywayz..reallie quite creepy at that point of time lah..looking back..i think i was just paranoid lah..then again, it's always to be safe than sorry...think i gave my dad a fright too...hahaa..the thing that reallie creeped me out was he walked so fast till he is walking at the same pace at me...i mean hellooooo!i dunno need to walk next to me ba?!eeee..and not that i am defending myself or wad..but he did look a bit unstable..>_<'s quite scary..hopefully wun meet this kind of incident again..

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

where is my letter, pwc?

haiyo..i am getting a bit paranoid now..PWC is supposed to send me the letter to tell me when to start work in May..but she nv say May is like 10 May le..getting a bit gan cheong...did my contract reach them?!? omg..i am sooooooooo worried now..hai~

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Current interest at the moment...=P current "love" interest is taiwan 偶像剧 doubt ever since the legendary 流星花园, the drama serials that followed were horribly done with little if not no plot at all..seriously, earlier versions of these taiwan dramas are not that well done..but i think they have improved in terms of plot and filming style over the years..人活着就是为了要不断进步,不是吗? haha..anywayz, here's just to share a few shows i have been watching since my exams ended lah..special thanks to Baoyu who told me can watch one of the shows on YouTube thus starting my insatiable appetite for more shows~!!
anywayz, SHOW # 1 : 恶作剧之吻
For those who were Jap drama fanatics should rem the jap version played by 柏原崇 (drools).. ya anywayz, if u ask me to compare the jap version vs taiwan one..i would say....i prefer the taiwan version simply becos the 直树 in the taiwan version, played by 元畅(DROOLS non stop, he is SUPER DUPER good looking in this show..unbeatable!), is much more "human", he has his ups and downs...not like a stone man in the jap version (jap version fans, pls dun kill me). Perhaps i din read the manga so i am not exactly sure how 直树 was portrayed in it so it's hard for me to judge..but i feel that no matter how genius a person is, he can't be as unfeeling as the one in the jap version ba? haha..anywayz, here's just a pic of the show:

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SHOW # 2: 恶魔在身边
ok..the show is not about ghouls and ghosts's abt this ger who passed her love letter to the wrong person by accident, thus causing that "wrong person" to start pestering her. It was only then did she realise that her mum is gonna marry that guy's dad..-.- haha..and the whole story unfolds..blah blah..the whole show..slightly different from the usual 偶像剧..(tho i can't stand 贺军翔's clothes in the show -.-)..the shows seldom has very boring scenes..except perhaps when it's showing abt other couples..haha..cos i m seriously only interested in 贺军翔 and 楊丞琳 ...haha...just a side note, this is the show that reallie caused 楊丞琳 to be super popular~~ weee..somehow i think no matter how i describe this show, it's best if u watch it to fully understand why so many ppl likes it. However, i must ask u to watch it when u are not feeling moody or wad..cos u must reallie feel "into" the show..that's wad i did..this show and the one above, i totalli was absorbed in them like i am part of their lives lidat..haha..picture time:

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SHOW # 3 : 王子变青蛙 (OK..i know this was shown a million yrs ago..but i only watched fin 4 days ago >_<)
haha..honestly speaking, the first time i watched this show, i tot it was dam lame, with the stupid sound effects and the actress blinking and blinking her eyes..-.- BUT THEN..i decided to give it another try after it showed for weeks on tv..and i can't believe it when i actuallie tot it was NICE~ one of my uni fren still scold me stupid for giving this show a miss..>_<" ok i am a bit slow but better than nv watching it at all~ i guess most ppl alr know abt this i shan't go too much into the plot but rather on why i like it~ first and foremost...becos of 明道! *eyes shimmering* haha..he is not super good looking..but somehow he attracts ppl to look at him~ and i feel that this show has more content compared to most taiwan ou xiang ju..u can reallie understand why they love each other so much whereas most shows..u will be like "when did they start liking each other?!"(like 恶魔在身边 -.-)

SHOW # 4 : 战神
nope..i did NOT watch this recently, in fact, i watched this like 1 yr ago~ BUT i reallie wanna recommend ppl who likes taiwan ou xiang ju or for that matter those who likes 仔仔 to watch this..this is the only show after 流星花园1 that i truly feel got some standard..btw, the director for both shows are the same..hence his filming style is wad that attracted me..(of cos not forgeting the fact that the male lead is 仔仔..hee)..this show darker than most taiwan issues like rape and suicide etc..unlike most taiwan shows (only got silly male and female leads frowning cos they dunno if each other likes them anot)..yup~ may i add that i feel that this is the best performance by 仔仔 yet..i reallie think he improved A LOT since 流星花园 where he is like a, he cries, he laughs, he gets angry, he get FURIOUS..very cool..maybe due to personal preference ba..maybe when other ppl watch his performance, they will be like "nothing special" but for me, cos i watched all of his shows, i can see his improvement over the years~ heard that he is currently working on a new show..can't wait for it to be out~~ may i just add that i simply LURVES his hair in there..very cool de~!!!heee~ picture:

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SHOW # 5 : Hana Yori Dango (JAP version) comes the critics...tsk tsk...i can list a number of things i dun like abt this version..
1. 道明寺 should be like 183cm..松本潤 is like 173?!?!? omg..and he is supposed to be the tallest in F4..but 松本潤 isn't -.-
2. The whole manga got 36 books..the show has a miserable 10 episodes..they squeezed a lot of events into one and do away with A LOT of the end of the show, when 杉菜 ran after 道明寺, i was like...why do u even like him?! -.- shesh..cmi leh...
3. The person who acted as 静 looks sooooo old?? and she dun look like a rich ger..she looks like..well.. abit bimbotic..-.- sad to say..totalli cannot make it lo

the only thing i found acceptable is they found 松岛菜菜子 to act as 道明寺's sister..she does fit the bill as beautiful and intelligent~ aiyo..after i watched this version..i can only say i am disappointed..sigh~ perhaps Japs like to make the story short and sweet? hmm..but somehow i feel there wasn't much development hence u wun feel for the characters..and towards the ending, u know the producers just wan a happie ending for everyone..cos all of them ended up with someone ~ zzz..weirdz

alright..guess most ppl can't even be bothered to read till here..but for those who did, good for u~ currently listening to 恶作剧之吻's soundtrack...any comments or qns, feel free to tell me wor =) thankssss~!

Monday, May 08, 2006

wad have i been doing since exams ended u ask?'s just to share some of the stuffs i have been doing since my last paper of my sch life ended..
lemme list down the things i did -.-( sry if some of it seems boring~):
2. Watching tons of downloaded 偶像剧 [will elaborate later on..]
3. TV
4. Re-Reading Harry Potter [i nv seems to get bored of them~ i dunno why..hmmm~]
5. ZZZing like i haven zz in years
6. Re visiting webbies i haven seen in eons
7. Downloading songs [pls dun catch me *blink blink*]

ya..that's abt it..realise anything common abt all these activities?
haha..all of them are done at HOME!
omg..since my exams ended, i din step out of my house except to go for voting and dinner..shesh..-.- how horrible is that?!?wad happened to the long awaited KTV session?? boohoo~ all liars..
was supposed to go out for a gathering with my fellow colleagues from my attachment..but...i had to fall sick at that time..ok..maybe i wasn't so sick till i can't go out lah..but then..reallie very drowsy from the dunno wad to say to them..not that close afterall i quite scared will be quite the end i din go..sobz..i doubt they will ever ask me out again..this is the second time i din go for gathering le >_< i know i know..i am such a lazy ass..haha..but at that point of time reallie dun feel like stepping out of my house..not to mention the horrible fringe i have just cut..sooooo best stay home and not frighten kids on the road..hehe
so all these time, i was stuck at home and i am seriously bored..even maple is losing its appeal ( that's saying a lot abt the degree of my boredom)..sigh..dunno wad to do now liao..arghhh..someone help me..anyone wanna ask me out? desperate le..*sniffs*

Sunday, May 07, 2006

First post~ ^_^

i decided to abandon my old blog and start a new one! As to how long this one will last...depends on my just kinda in a mood to blog..esp since i have nothing to do after my final exams~
CAN U BELIEVE IT? I'm gonna graduate soon(hopefully nothing goes wrong)..omg..i can't believe that it's been 3 yrs!Looking back..i dun recall much of my uni life..simply bcos i din reallie enjoy it..Actually i dun reallie know how i feel abt this whole's like from july onwards, i will no longer be able to call myself a "student" kinda feels weird..and i am alr starting to envy my other frenz who are still studying~ Gosh...i am missing sch life alr~( it's only been 10 days since my exams ended)..but honestly, i feel so aimless and lost now..tho i prob will be working in PWC as a tax associate..but actuallie my future still seems so.......vague..?can't think of a proper word at the moment..anywayz, just feel lost and scared of wad the future will's like i am reallie gonna step into the adult world, no longer sheltered by my parents..totalli at the mercy of the working world. i dunno how i will fare..and honestly i have no confidence at all..i feel like a baby reallie..still so ignorant of many things...zzz..
gosh..i am blabbering..prob due to the fact that i am BORED and my house seriously has nothing to entertain me..poof..i dunno how many of the people who read this can actuallie relate to how i feel? just feel kinda...lonely that no one is ard to share this feeling w me...sobz~