Sunday, May 21, 2006

the much anticipated (?!) trip is here~

okie dokes..tml going hk liaoz..heehee..actuallie quite excited lah..cos i always like the feeling of going airport..haha..dunno why..just love our airport a lot~~ hahha...actuallie also quite looking forward to the shopping lah..but ah..somehow feel that wad some of my frenz like and wad i like got a bit different..hard to shop together sometimes..haha..oh well..the part i drat is the travelling and potential pick pockets..>_< have to be on the alert, always! very sianz..somemore we all youngsters very easy get scammed..hai~ pray that this will be an enjoyable trip~!! *and hopefully i brought enough money* :) 4 days in hk~ here i come~!

1 comment:

xiu said...

yay! we're back safe and sound in s'pore! i'm sure u enjoyed yourself in hk right? cos i sure did! heh. can't wait for our next trip overseas tog! =)