anywayz, SHOW # 1 : 恶作剧之吻
For those who were Jap drama fanatics should rem the jap version played by 柏原崇 (drools).. ya anywayz, if u ask me to compare the jap version vs taiwan one..i would say....i prefer the taiwan version simply becos the 直树 in the taiwan version, played by 元畅(DROOLS non stop, he is SUPER DUPER good looking in this show..unbeatable!), is much more "human", he has his ups and downs...not like a stone man in the jap version (jap version fans, pls dun kill me). Perhaps i din read the manga so i am not exactly sure how 直树 was portrayed in it so it's hard for me to judge..but i feel that no matter how genius a person is, he can't be as unfeeling as the one in the jap version ba? haha..anywayz, here's just a pic of the show:

SHOW # 2: 恶魔在身边
ok..the show is not about ghouls and ghosts's abt this ger who passed her love letter to the wrong person by accident, thus causing that "wrong person" to start pestering her. It was only then did she realise that her mum is gonna marry that guy's dad..-.- haha..and the whole story unfolds..blah blah..the whole show..slightly different from the usual 偶像剧..(tho i can't stand 贺军翔's clothes in the show -.-)..the shows seldom has very boring scenes..except perhaps when it's showing abt other couples..haha..cos i m seriously only interested in 贺军翔 and 楊丞琳 ...haha...just a side note, this is the show that reallie caused 楊丞琳 to be super popular~~ weee..somehow i think no matter how i describe this show, it's best if u watch it to fully understand why so many ppl likes it. However, i must ask u to watch it when u are not feeling moody or wad..cos u must reallie feel "into" the show..that's wad i did..this show and the one above, i totalli was absorbed in them like i am part of their lives lidat..haha..picture time:

SHOW # 3 : 王子变青蛙 (OK..i know this was shown a million yrs ago..but i only watched fin 4 days ago >_<)
haha..honestly speaking, the first time i watched this show, i tot it was dam lame, with the stupid sound effects and the actress blinking and blinking her eyes..-.- BUT THEN..i decided to give it another try after it showed for weeks on tv..and i can't believe it when i actuallie tot it was NICE~ one of my uni fren still scold me stupid for giving this show a miss..>_<" ok i am a bit slow but better than nv watching it at all~ i guess most ppl alr know abt this i shan't go too much into the plot but rather on why i like it~ first and foremost...becos of 明道! *eyes shimmering* haha..he is not super good looking..but somehow he attracts ppl to look at him~ and i feel that this show has more content compared to most taiwan ou xiang ju..u can reallie understand why they love each other so much whereas most shows..u will be like "when did they start liking each other?!"(like 恶魔在身边 -.-)
SHOW # 4 : 战神
nope..i did NOT watch this recently, in fact, i watched this like 1 yr ago~ BUT i reallie wanna recommend ppl who likes taiwan ou xiang ju or for that matter those who likes 仔仔 to watch this..this is the only show after 流星花园1 that i truly feel got some standard..btw, the director for both shows are the same..hence his filming style is wad that attracted me..(of cos not forgeting the fact that the male lead is 仔仔..hee)..this show darker than most taiwan issues like rape and suicide etc..unlike most taiwan shows (only got silly male and female leads frowning cos they dunno if each other likes them anot)..yup~ may i add that i feel that this is the best performance by 仔仔 yet..i reallie think he improved A LOT since 流星花园 where he is like a, he cries, he laughs, he gets angry, he get FURIOUS..very cool..maybe due to personal preference ba..maybe when other ppl watch his performance, they will be like "nothing special" but for me, cos i watched all of his shows, i can see his improvement over the years~ heard that he is currently working on a new show..can't wait for it to be out~~ may i just add that i simply LURVES his hair in there..very cool de~!!!heee~ picture:

SHOW # 5 : Hana Yori Dango (JAP version) comes the critics...tsk tsk...i can list a number of things i dun like abt this version..
1. 道明寺 should be like 183cm..松本潤 is like 173?!?!? omg..and he is supposed to be the tallest in F4..but 松本潤 isn't -.-
2. The whole manga got 36 books..the show has a miserable 10 episodes..they squeezed a lot of events into one and do away with A LOT of the end of the show, when 杉菜 ran after 道明寺, i was like...why do u even like him?! -.- shesh..cmi leh...
3. The person who acted as 静 looks sooooo old?? and she dun look like a rich ger..she looks like..well.. abit bimbotic..-.- sad to say..totalli cannot make it lo
the only thing i found acceptable is they found 松岛菜菜子 to act as 道明寺's sister..she does fit the bill as beautiful and intelligent~ aiyo..after i watched this version..i can only say i am disappointed..sigh~ perhaps Japs like to make the story short and sweet? hmm..but somehow i feel there wasn't much development hence u wun feel for the characters..and towards the ending, u know the producers just wan a happie ending for everyone..cos all of them ended up with someone ~ zzz..weirdz
alright..guess most ppl can't even be bothered to read till here..but for those who did, good for u~ currently listening to 恶作剧之吻's soundtrack...any comments or qns, feel free to tell me wor =) thankssss~!
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