Tuesday, May 16, 2006

less than 2 months to go..

well..it's official..i received the letter from pwc finally..starting work on 3rd july..SIAN 1/2!! seems so early~ but then again..i have NOTHING to do at home..reallie NOTHING LO..maybe it's good to start early and get some income..but the sheer tot of not having anymore LONG holidays just sux!hai~
anywayz, these few days reallie ROTTING..literally~ any longer and i might actually see maggots on me -.- it's like i totally can't bring myself to get excited over anything at all..like..so dead >.< today went compass point w by and yz..wah..the 3 of us just sit in ya kun and ROT..stare into blank space..have i reached a point whereby i can't even find the energy to start a conversation? i feel so sian..sian till i have no interest in anything at all..as tho anything that happens ard me is none of my biz..haiyo~ reallie no energy for anything leh...wad to do??????? has the slacker life reduced me to nothing but a slug..getting by each day in such monotonous style? *cries* by and yz were talking abt jobs today and they say i shld look for other jobs other than tax..one of them was like "you dun intend to do tax for the rest of ur life do u?" well of cos i dun..but at this point of time, i totallie have no idea wad i wanna do..nothing reallie interests me (as i have emphasized time and time again up there)..actually i reallie think that a lot of ppl also haven found wad they reallie want yet..just working for the sake of getting an income..to be honest, i wouldn't mind setting up a shop or sth..but then ah...capital leh?and need to have lobangs for things to sell ba..*frowns* life's tough..but ytd my fren just sorta told me off for not realising how lucky i am..honestly..sometimes, i rather not live if living is so meaningless..ok..maybe this sentence sounds a bit heavy..but that's how i feel..gosh..i feel so lost..for the nth time in my life...

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