Sunday, May 14, 2006

Met a weirdo on my way home >.<

On friday i met this weird person on my way home..i noticed him at the lrt platform..and when we got on the lrt, he sat beside me and he was holding on to one of his shoes? anywayz he put it on liao then he turned and asked me abt the station which happens to be the next one and is the one i am getting off..>.< anywayz i told him it's the next he stood up to go to the door first..when he saw me walking there too he looked and looked and looked at me..3 times? like wad's so weird?i also need to get down wad..anywayz..we got off, on the way down the stairs, he continued to turn back and look at me~ *creepy*
then he went to take the lift down while i chose to take the stairs..cos i tot stairs will take a longer time so he can't folo me or wad..who knows i reached downstairs faster..-.- anywayz i just continued on my way home lah..and i heard this loud and quickening footsteps..wah..quite scary sia..and he walked/ half jogged next to me!! OMG..i nearly freaked out..i just pretend i was looking for sth in my bag so i walked slower..and he continued to walk slightly in front of me..and continued to turn back once in awhile to look at me..grrr..that reallie freaked me at the red light i decided to call my dad to come down and wait for me at the lift..>_< but then..after we crossed the road and reached my block..he went another way..i dunno whether this whole thing was me being paranoid or becos my void deck happened to have some ppl at that time..anywayz..reallie quite creepy at that point of time lah..looking back..i think i was just paranoid lah..then again, it's always to be safe than sorry...think i gave my dad a fright too...hahaa..the thing that reallie creeped me out was he walked so fast till he is walking at the same pace at me...i mean hellooooo!i dunno need to walk next to me ba?!eeee..and not that i am defending myself or wad..but he did look a bit unstable..>_<'s quite scary..hopefully wun meet this kind of incident again..

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