Monday, December 15, 2008

4 Dec - Same procedure of soaking for 30 mins and we bot white bread and jam from 7-11 ytd, so that's our breakfast settled...

Today my back felt a bit better so my dad suggested going to Chinatown, which is like about 10 mins drive away from our hotel...

I was craving for porridge so we had lunch in a Chinese restaurant selling porridge...BUT i was so stupid! i chose salty egg with pork...they dun have century egg~ and the whole porridge was SALTY to the i only managed to eat half of it...waste money again lah =.= and yes, they cost us 8+ bucks each...stupid expensive food.......

then we walked for like 10 mins and AGAIN my back hurts till i can't walk liao...hai~ so basically i wasted those 2 days, rotting in the hotel reading magazines and watching rotten tv...-.-" (i fully appreciate the wonders of having cable tv there) shortly after we went over to visit yx she is reallie doing well! they removed the tubes from her mouth and she can speak! (yay~) she told us that she was also asleep in the car but when the accident happened, she woke up immediately and rem we knocked into a tree too and she has this feeling that she is in Africa..hahhahaa...cos of the wilderness of the place where we had the accident, very similar to Africa...haha...still humurous ah my fren...she also said that she kept calling me but i must have passed out and totally did not respond to her calls...=X she rem seeing her own bones from her leg (omg! =X) and the pain she was she kept scolding her brother...haha...she still rem the accident whereas i have no recollection of it at all =X but i guess it might be a good thing that i dun rem also bahz...less traumatized maybe?

after that, time to look for FOOD...-.-" that's my itinerary everyday, look for food, visit yx, look for the end, i saw this pasta n pizza place...there were 3 of us but none of us seemed to be in a good appetite that day so we wanted to order just 1 large pizza..(the waitress was an asian but the boss was a caucasian)...then we saw the boss whispering to the waitress and then the waitress came over to tell us that we have to order a minimum order -.- but the feeling the boss gave me was a little discriminating 0.0 i dunno why...just a gut feeling...but heck it, our food came...even tho now i think of the food, will feel a little sick in the stomach but at that point of time, the food was nice :) a bit wasted that becos i was injured and all, i forgot to take the photos of the food or places i visited...quite wasted =X

i was able to walk back to the hotel from the cafe so that's good improvement...:) and yes, back to my routine of soaking :P

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