Monday, December 08, 2008

well...i am back in sg...vacation obviously did not go as planned...hai~ so wasted...i think i am reallie not fated to go australia...last time i went sydney, i had food poisoning, that killed half my enjoyment, this time, totallie killed off my trip! >.< my penguins, my koalas, my kangaroos, my dolphins! T_T muy triste...i just wished we had been more instead of both falling aslp, at least one of us stayed awake to talk to the driver :( do i blame the driver? the truth? i do...:X i am so jian...but when i regained conscious, the first thing that floated through my mind was, "this is not happening! my holiday is ruined!" T_T selfish me...everything that happened that day was kinda in a blur...i dun reallie rem much ..just bits n pieces of wad happened on the ambulance, wad went on in the A&E...(not forgetting the good looking doctor who kept poking me on my arms wrongly to find my veins -.-) hmmm...this is not meant to be the detailed recount of wad happened....(anywayz like i said, i hardly rem...but after that i did learn more details from yx's sis...) just a random blabber of wad i am thinking now...after coming back for 4 hours...hahaha...btw, this is the first time i took a plane all on my own (not that it's a big accomplishment or wad, just that there's always a first to everything~) ...actuallie from this accident, i find that i am more independent than i think bah...i mean, when i was all alone in the hospital, i dun reallie feel sad for myself or fact, i think i am much stronger in character than yx's bro...=X i am quite proud w how i faced this whole thing, even though i did whine a little abt my holiday gone but i nv reallie wallow in self pity nor keep blaming it on the driver...:) i guess...though it's not sth that i wished i had to go through, but i will take it positively and this is just one experience that i got to learn more abt myself...:)

(waiting for the limited photos to be sent to me...prob will take some time...and subsequent more detailed posts on wad happened during the 10 days i was in melbourne~)

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