hai~ then disaster struck -.- honestly, until now i dun exactly know wad happened...all i knew was we collided with another car...i am not sure if i walked out of the car on my own or someone carried me out...but i think i walked out w the help of a passer-by...these few days, i tried to think back and sorta rem there's a woman who helped me out and to the ambulance. She still said to me that everything is ok, dun worry...everything was more or less in a blur...i rem the guy on the ambulance has short blond hair, he was wearing gloves and was chewing gum 0.0...i dun rem wad he did other than place 2 rolls of towels on the sides of my head and tape them to my head -.- he tried using the neck guard thingy but was too big, the kid's one was too small...so...he improvised by using the towels =.= but shesh...i felt stupid...hahaha...b4 the ambulance drove off, i still heard yx's cries of pain...i even asked the guy how are my frenz but i dun rem wad he said to me -.-" zzz
when we reached the hospital, there were a grp of medics surrounding me...they still asked me wad are the names of my frenz etc...and i spelt out to them...so i tot, were they so seriously injured that they can't speak? :( then a series of tests began, the stupid doctor, cannot find my veins...he poked me a total of 4 times b4 he found the vein -.- and i was like "OUCH!" lucky he is good looking sia...if not it just makes the whole situation harder to bear...then, the nurse told me she has to CUT up my top! my fave green heineken tee shirt and my fave black long sleeve top!!! (T_T, goodbye my lovely tops) Throughout the whole process, it felt very surreal...like "i am in an accident.." and i accepted it just like that, there was not disbelief or wad, all i tot was "shit! such a waste!" very strange feeling...hai~
they then brought me to another place for scanning...they injected sth and there was a warm feeling throughout my body, it was instant...very amazing...and i was able to obey all the instructions the machine/doctors said...but NOW that i think back, i can't rem what did they do...=.= i guess at that time i was still in a bit of shock...even though then my state of mind was clear, but lots of the details were forgotten...haha...weird~ after tat, i was wheeled back to the A&E (i am not sure if it's there...) and told to wait for the results...i was cold and hungry but there's nothing i can do...then i must have fallen aslp...cos when i woke up again, i had a few more layers of blankets on me and they were ready to wheel me to the normal ward...the doc asked if i wanna eat pain killers n i was like nope, i feel better alr...lol...and he laughed at me =.= haha...i heard him tell the nurse that i was reluctant to swallow pills...and i was like :O u can read minds? hehehe...but partly also becos i dun wan my body to be too reliant on pain killers...not good...
by the time i reached the ward, it was 9 plus singapore time...which is midnight in Melbourne. So i sms my dad (i dunno why i din call...haha) and told him the bad news...and a SERIES of sms followed as well as a few phone calls, including to my fren's sister etc...that's when i knew that yx was seriously injured...
basically everything happened in a blur for me...i had no recollection of wad happened at that point of time, i only know i had bitten my tongue (i was so scared they will have to sew it up or sth..cos i am scared of pain...) i had sores everywhere...basically it felt as though i had ran 10km after not exercising for years...shortly after, i dozed off...but i din reallie have a good night sleep due to the pain...This is the first time in my 24 years, other than when i was a baby, that i had to stay in hospital...there's always a first for everything i guess =\
Next morning(1 dec) when i woke up, i saw that my arm had the IV thingy attached and there were some small cuts on my hand and arms...including those "mis-poked" holes...zzz...at first in the morning, they said no food or water...so i was like STARVING..then i dozed off again (as there's nothing to do) so noon time, i woke up, then i realised they removed the signs saying no food and water...and my lunch arrived (hooray!!)...hospital food was...hmm...ok lah...at least they had orange juice but their tea fail...=.= they had only 1 channel on some health thingy...if u wan more channels, u have to pay -.-" so most of the time i just slept...
i was able to get off the bed on my own although there are parts of my body that hurt when i moved...nonetheless, i made it to the toilet, and that's the first time i really looked at my injuries...first i saw was my NECK...wah...scary wor...there's a big cut...but the blood had solidified so there's just a wound there...then i looked at my waist! wah that reallie gave me a fright, it's reallie a big big patch of purple...totally purple...but there were no blood so that's a good sign...and i checked out my bitten tongue! first look it looks very gross...i think i bit pretty hard on it...lucky not hard enough for it to fall off though (phew)...i had some small small cuts on my forehead as well...and i still had my bloody mascara on (SHIT)...very uncomfy to have make up on ...and the stupid mascara is water resistant 0.0 i had to spend a long time to clean it but in the end, i looked like a panda w the mascara smudged ard my lower eye...zzzzzzzzzzzzz...(i told my dad to bring my make up remover for me since i tot my luggage is lost)
the rest of the time, i spent either smsing my frenz and my dad, ade called me on office phone...and we chatted for 40+ mins...i am so screwed when the dec phone bill comes...it prob will cost me abt 100 bucks -.-" and i just slpt on off...Geliang called me too...that's when i first knew what happened, i asked him what happened...and he told me that he drove onto the other lane and collided w the on coming car, by the time he realised it, it was too late...i din hype on the accident but wanted to find out more on yx and his injuries...ultimately wad matters is we survived it i guess...blaming wun change wad has happened...besides i am sure he does not feel good either, esp his sister was so seriously injured...i realised i have my bag, jie's jacket and my shoes with me but my luggage was w him so i asked my nurse to go get from him but she returned, saying that she din find any luggage...so i was like?! shit? they din managed to retrieve my luggage?? wad am i supposed to wear then!? zzz...so i asked my dad to bring some when he comes over...but on the day when he was supposed to come, they found my bag and brought it to me...but too late, my dad was on his way to the airport alr...haha...
he will onli reach the next day early early morning...so i will be alone until the next day's afternoon or so...i told him to rest in the hotel first, dun rush down since i am not that seriously injured (i was so scared he will rush down in the middle of the night...very dangerous one lehz...and i din know wad kind of transport they will take, and i tot i was a few hours' drive away from Melbourne city so better dun risk it, but actuallie only 1 hour away by train) most of the time in the ward, no one reallie said anything to me, when the docs came, all they did was ask any discomfort? so i just told them the areas that hurt lor...and they nv say anything also...they keep saying u might be able to be discharged...even on the first day morning, they alr said that, luckily they din, cos i will have nowhere to go =.=
i did feel a little discriminated...just a teeny weeny bit...like they rather spend more time on the other 3 patients in the ward...but then again, the other 3 were all old women...like grandma kind..so they prob do need the additional attention lahz...i did talk to one of the old women, cos she saw my big purple bruise on the waist so i just told her a little of wad happened etc lor...but i think some of them are a little senile...they dun reallie rem or know where they are...=X anyway, on the second day morning, the doc say i can be discharged but i will have no place to go? so i said my dad is in Melbourne, he will come to pick me up in the afternoon...and IMMEDIATELY he said, "OK then we will arrange for you to be discharged" =.= fine...and i din know exactly wad time, but well, i just "nua" on the bed lor...
Then a hosp staff came and asked me for my "orders" for my meals in the coming few days O.O wow...good service neh? hehe...in fact, i felt like staying to eat some of the food...yum yum~ ice cream and jelly!! but i did tell her, i will prob be discharged that day liaoz...wun be able to eat all these...but she was nice and said she can just take down...:P (later my lunch reallie got ice cream leh!) after awhile, i got "asked" to change etc as they will need the bed...and i was like thinking, are u chasing me out of the hosp?! =.= but nvm lah, i got out my stuffs and went to bathe (i bathed on the first day ok, i am not a dirty piggy...but the first time i bathed, the wound on the neck hurt a little...and the bathroom very cold...and the stupid shower head cannot be placed such that the water will fall on me -.-...zzz) after i changed etc, i do look almost normal...hahhaa...even the staff said i looked normal now :P heee...that's becos my hair covered the neck wound...
anywayz i was asked to rest and wait in a room...then i realised my back (butt) hurts...i can't sit straight, so i lied down on the sofa...b4 long, my lunch arrived~!(thank you auntie)...half way through my lunch, i saw my dad and yx's parents! and i waved at them...hahaha...i think the first sight, i look reallie normal...then they went to see Geliang first...while i continued w my lunch...then i waited n waited for them to come back(they took very long)...finally we went to his ward and waited while he had his operation on his elbow... i guess it was a traumatic experience for him bah...esp cos he was the driver...it got a bit emotional when he was recounting the accident, my dad and i just stood further away, not wanting to "disrupt" their little family reunion...after awhile, he saw me and i just went over to say a few comforting words (but i am seriously not good at this at all) n my back started to hurt again, so i had to sit down...
anw, we took a cab to the train station...outside temp...windy! but still ok cos i had my sister's big fat jacket on...haha...but on the train, it was reallie reallie uncomfy...cos i was sitting directly on my tail bone...oh the agony~ :( then we had Hungry Jack (aka Burger King) for dinner...sigh...the food is reallie ................ :X and we took cab back to the hotel..alr cost close to 10 bucks for a short short trip -.- argh...my dad told me they took cab from airport to their hotel and it cost them 40+ dollars =.= omg...expensive city...so i passed all my cash to my dad cos he din change any...keke...i still had abt 500 with me...but we used them up DAMN fast! becos all the things in Melbourne cost so much -.-"
after that, we just put our things down and walked over to see yx...the hosp is just 3 mins walk away...as the ICU only allows 2 visitors at a time, my dad and i waited outside...when i finally saw yx...sigh...it's reallie heart wrenching...seeing all the tubes in her body and machines surrounding her...:( there's morphine for her pain...and there are reallie a lot of tubes inserted =X hai~ she can't talk w the tubes in her mouth, but she can write on our palms...when she said she was glad that i am ok, i can't help but cry...my poor fren, even when she is suffering, she thinks abt others...that's just her, always thinking and caring for the ppl she loves...sighz...(but as i type all these, she is recovering well, starting to eat normal food and healing...so that's a relief...)
shortly after, we went back to the hotel to rest...the doc ask me to soak in hot water so that i wun feel so stiff...so luckily that hotel has a bath tub :P
I took these photos when i went back to the hotel:-
This is my black long sleeve shirt i love a lot~ (BB)
My heineken tee shirt...:(
My neck wound...this is after 2 days of the accident...
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