Monday, December 15, 2008

6 dec - i woke up real late today, no idea dad said he tried waking me a few times, in the end i woke up at close to 12 noon =.= shesh...wad a waste of time...

today we decided to go back to chinatown for had roast duck rice, i had sweet n sour pork...but omg, the sweet is TOO sweet, i had a hard time eating that, so my dad gave me 3 pieces of his duck...finally! some decent chinese food...the duck was surprisingly nice...haha...

then we started shopping ard that area...i can say...aus shoes are not nice -.-" or maybe not built for us...they look...bulky =.=

i spotted a shop that was selling relatively cheaper things, so part 2 of shopping spree started there...hahaha

2 for 20 i think =\ i dunno..i just bot them lidat...even when i seldom wear spag tops in singapore...

my beige skirt...looks grey here...=.=

This is the GREY skirt...
and a normal denim skirt...i think i was just in the mood to BUY

belf for AUD9.95
Silver flats~finally some shoes...:P

Another flats...i like the colour :D
All these were paid by card =.=
anw, my dad also managed to buy 2 polo shirts there~!! :D

after all the shopping, it was 6+ already...time to buy the end, i settled for macs...easiest -.-" and in fact, it's quite cheap already...compared to the 8,9 dollars meal we had been having...we wanted to try taking tram back but it was kinda confusing -.-" and the ppl at the stop din look particularly frenly, so back to good o' cab...=X actuallie the tram costs 3.50 per person...and the cab was abt's onli 1 buck more expensive? =X hmmm...btw i was on the street that have the shop selling pancakes -.- but i can't find the shop and missed trying the pancake...boohoo!!
yx was in op today so i din manage to see her...and i realised all those sms-ing is gonna cost a bomb when my dec bill comes...:(

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