Monday, December 15, 2008

7 dec - Zoo day! cos i was grumbling that i did not get to see kangaroos and my dad say let's go to the funni~ but yup, like ee said, this is the opportunity to spend some quality time w my dad...:)

but too bad the photos have to wait for yx's sis to upload...will reallie take a while...and i need the photos to recall the i shan't go into details...but overall, the zoo was kinda small, i think our zoo is better...seriously...maybe except for their lions...they have 4 beautiful male lions...very nice mane and colour...other than that, i think our animals look nicer...the onli special one is their koala bahz...but wad's the point when it's hiding in the tree sleeping? =.= ahaha...the cutest thing i saw? a wombat sleeping on its back, so we were able to see the face...they had buck teeth, and that particular wombat still stretched and looked reallie deep in sleep...VERY CUTE!

the entrance fee is ridiculous...20+++ -.- shesh...we took tram to and fro...but i realised we could have chosen a cheaper ticket -.-" but fact, we could have not paid at all -.- no one knowssss...zzz...

we had hotdogs for lunch, one of the better meals i had ...cos it's simple and nice...and cheaper too~

that day i also took less pain killers...onli a total of 4 the whole day...was a good sign...cos tml i will be taking plane it's good that i am recovering...

this was also the last day i saw yx...cos tml's flight is early in the morning...she was back in the ICU cos of lung infection after the operation on her legs...and she was heavily sedated, totallie no clue who was visiting her...

finally it's time to go back to singapore...

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